Make Yourself Comfortable!

So--you must be asking yourself, "what the heck is this all about?"

Well, it's simple. I'm a huge fan of the 80's. It was the central decade of my youth (along with the early 90s)... The decade which contained many of my formative years: those years when most of us choose our favorite friends, favorite bands, favorite movies and various regrettable clothing selections.

But the 80s were great for other, more "intangible" reasons... It was a time of relative informational innocence: No internet, no websites, no 'everyone-knows-everything-about you,' no reality TV, no DNA technology, no (usable) cell phones, no PDAs, no satellite TV, and only ONE all-news network. It was the decade that psychologically bridged the gap between the laid-back, free-love 70's to the information-overload/angst-ridden 90's. Post disco and pre-grunge, if you will.

Yes, the 80s were rife with negative monikers: the decade of overspending and excess, the 80s saw its share of turmoil and newsworthy peaks and valleys. But before we get caught up in that, remember this: this site is meant to offer up warm and tasty servings of pop-culture goodness, NOT news stories to make you cringe and/or fill with bile.

This is NOT a site where you'll find a long diatribe about Reaganomics or an essay on foreign policy. If you're looking for that, there are plenty of other sources on the web willing to dish it out. What you WILL find is the occasional rambling about fat shoelaces, postings about RUN-DMC, and recollections of the SMURFS. The site is meant to be a springboard for reminiscing; a starting point for a possible journey all over the net, as you wile away normally productive hours searching for more information on things like Debbie Gibson and the A-Team.

Yours truly will do his best to update this site as often as possible--but the benefit of having a blog about the 1980s is that no entries are really "time sensetive." I mean, you can enjoy hearing about a particular episode of "Bosom Buddies" on any day, right? Translation: don't expect 10 posts a day, every day. Some of us DO have day jobs.

Now that we've gotten the formalities out of the way, it's time to get this show on the road. Here's hoping you'll enjoy reading about the 80s as much as us lucky people have had living through them!


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