The Highwayman! Oy!
Ah, the good old days. The days when you could build an entire network show around a vehicle. Airwolf... Knight Rider... even the Dukes of Hazzard. If a writer came into a network office today pitching a show like that, he'd get laughed out of the room faster than you could say "General Lee." Let's face it: Networks today need to concentrate on important stuff like vampire love stories and shows about storage units. In the 1980s, vehicle-based shows were all the rage. No "you've been voted off the island" here; Instead, it was all about horsepower, lasers and talking cars. And amidst all of the big movers and shakers of the genre, there existed a short-lived thunderball of fresh, pungent cheese called "The Highwayman." OK, so get this: Fast forward to post-apocalyptic America. Society is in a shambles, and trying desperately to get back on its feet. Oh, and apparently, everyone seems to live in the midwest near Phoenix. Anyway, the governme...